As you all know, I am a die-hard fan of food and all things food related. I even have food dreams sometimes. If you are following my Insta or Snapchat stories, I've been posting a few gym gimmicks off-late. At 25, I am making a conscious effort to move towards a healthier, more fit life. Eat wholesome and healthy yet Eat yummy. (IT IS POSSIBLE!)
A rigorous workout at the gym is always followed by plenty of water and a good snack.
I, unfortunately have no access to a cooking stove as of now therefore I do all my cooking in a microwave safe dish (WHAT A LIFESAVER!!!). It does get restricting at times but I manage.
Last evening, I was craving egg and I had some veggies lying in the fridge that needed to be finished. So, I decided to whip up my version of a tummy-filling Veggie Omelette.
Here is the recipe:
Prep Time: 15 minutes (Approx.)
Cook Time: 3 minutes (Approx.)
I used Carrots and French Beans but one can use other veggies like Onions, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Capsicum, Green Chilies etc. (The more, the better!)
First wash the veggies in cold, running water.
Pat them dry with a kitchen towel or you can air-dry them as well.
Slice the veggies, anyway that you like them.
Put them aside in a microwave safe bowl. Add boiling water to the bowl with some salt.
Place this bowl of veggies in the Microwave at "High" and let it cook for about 12 minutes.
In another microwave safe bowl, mix the eggs. (I used a couple of eggs for my Omelette).
Add salt, pepper, chili flakes and any other spice, according to your taste buds.
Once the veggies are cooked drain out the water from Bowl 1. I added Maggie Extra Hot Chili sauce to my veggies and that gave it a spicy flavor.
Take the mixed egg from Bowl 2 and mix it with the veggies in Bow 1.
The Veggie Omelette is now ready to be cooked.
Cook Time
Place the egg and veggie mix in the microwave for around 3 minutes until the egg is cooked entirely.
Your Veggie Omelette is now ready to be eaten.
You can eat it with a couple of slices of bread or even by itself. I was personally very happy with this creation because it was tasty, filling and healthy!
Hope you guys like it too!
The omelette is square because I used a square shaped dish!
