1) Smile. ☺ Every single day of your life, come what may.
2) Surround yourself with people 웃웃유유 and things that exude happiness and positive energy. Decorate your office cubicle. It’s a good practice.
3) Appreciate the small things in life. Example: The coffee bite toffee that you use to eat when you were little :P
4) Give back to society. One way or another.
5) Teach an under privileged child; subject and language no bar.
6) Coffee is a life saver. Savour its taste and get tranquilized by its aroma.
7) Spend money and time on others. It will make you immensely happy. Trust me.
8) Distinguish between the good and the bad. Keep the good and chuck the bad.
9) Love. ♥ Your parents. Your family 유 웃. Your friends 유 웃유 웃. Your job. Your life. Yourself.
10) Listen, attentively to every minute detail that someone talks about. You never know when it will come in handy.
11) Meet a lot of people. Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver the other is gold. Learn from their experiences.
12) Find immense joy in the rain and the smell of wet soil.
13) Always find ways to unplug. Listen to good music ♪, ♫. Read a heartwarming book. Dance without inhibitions. Watch a senseless movie for a change.Eat some chocolate or ice-cream or both. Succumb to retail therapy.
14) Get in touch with your spiritual and philosophical side. There is definitely some supreme power that is guiding us and helping us to sail through our lives.
15) Laugh out loud (LOL). Share some smiles ☺☺☺. Spread the joy. Shower the love. ♥ ♥ ♥
16) Appreciate others, juniors and seniors.
17) Take a holiday. Travel across the globe.Trot. ✈ Explore. Absorb cultures.
18) Eat what you love. Love what you eat. Relish every bite. Share a part of everything you eat.
19) Walk with your head held high and bask in the glory of the happy sunlight. ☀ Look up at the sky at night and get startled by a sky full of stars. ☆☆☆
20) Do not be judgmental . Live and let live.